Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Velveteen Rabbit

The Velveteen Rabbit, Margery Williams, (author), William Nicholson, (illustrator), George H. Doran Company, 1922.

Rummaging through some forgotten keepsakes I found an old velveteen rabbit a woman had purchased for me over forty years ago.  She also gave me a book; The Velveteen Rabbit, and some old schoolgirl photographs I returned to her by mail for her family archives years ago.  I want to return the velveteen rabbit to her as well.  But I am reluctant.  Perhaps it would be better to give the toy to a poor local child in need.  I wanted to send this letter with the toy, but will probably do neither.  So I will publish the letter instead.

Dear 🐇,

I think this rabbit belongs to you.  I overlooked it somehow.  As you can see she is still in pristine condition, ignored, unlike the velveteen rabbit in the story who was loved to excess by a childhood friend.  But, perhaps, the poor little neglected rabbit may have a second chance to ponder all of the contradictions of what it means to be real if she acquires a new childhood friend.  I am sure there are plenty of poor children who would love to have her.*

Of course, the velveteen rabbit accepts the skin horse definition of "real" as unconditional love from a child, up until the moment he encounters live rabbits in the garden.  The velveteen rabbit was worn out, soiled, his stitches showed through, he looked as worn out from unceasing affection as skin horse.  But when the live rabbits invite him to play, the velveteen rabbit looks down upon himself and says, "I would love to play with you, but I have no legs."  Thus, the velveteen rabbit faces a dichotomy.  Am I real?  Are live rabbits real?  Am I nothing more than a cheap facsimile?**

After the little boy acquires a contagious disease, and the doctor orders immediate burning of all his intimate objects, including the velveteen rabbit, only then is the paradox resolved by the nursery fairy.  The velveteen rabbit overhears the doctor say his friend must go to the seashore, for the climate, to heal.  The velveteen rabbit thinks he is about to embark on a grand adventure to the seashore with his friend, so he ignores the fact that he was placed outdoors in a rubbish pile.  The velveteen rabbit notices it is getting dark and cold too, and though the house lights have come on, nobody has come from the house to fetch him.  But the velveteen rabbit shrugs off the chill and loneliness, and the fact that he is not in a warm bed and safe with his friend.  No matter, in the morning, he and his friend are going to leave the drab city and voyage to sunny warm seashore climes to restore their health.  The velveteen rabbit never realizes he is to be burned early next morning.***

The nursery fairy makes her appearance!  Velveteen rabbit asks, "Who are you?"  Nursery fairy replies, "I am your nursery fairy."  Velveteen rabbit asks, "Why are you here?"  Nursery fairy replies, "I am here to make you REAL!"

Nursery fairy does make the velveteen rabbit a living, breathing, rabbit.  Nursery fairy settles the issue at once and ends all doubt.  When the boy returns from the seashore all cured and is strolling the garden path with his nurse, the velveteen rabbit looks up at them from a thicket.  The boy exclaims, "that rabbit looks just like my old velveteen rabbit!"  And the velveteen rabbit is happy, alive, breathing, and REAL!

Yes, a very simplified summary.  The Velveteen Rabbit is rated among the top five of all childhood literature.  Thank you for giving me the opportunity to read the book.  There is no more.


*In the Velveteen Rabbit, the velveteen rabbit is ignored or tormented by the mechanical toys until the nurse throws him to the boy at random; "here take bunny"!  Then the boy and bunny become inseparable companions.

**For reasons not apparent skin horse is not made real by the nursery fairy.  I thought skin horse was a stick horse.  Skin Horse has a limited mentality and a limited outlook on life, otherwise, he would have been much more pessimistic and cynical.  The skin horse never evolves beyond the level of an inanimate object.  The velveteen rabbit has a much greater range of experience than skin horse, thus there is always an aura about the velveteen rabbit of conflict, depersonalization, stress, and skepticism.  The velveteen rabbit searches for his own identity even when facing his own certain destruction.

The arrival of the nursery fairy at the critical moment does have strains of dues ex Machina.   But most children would probably react to the surprise appearance of the nursery fairy in awe and wonder, not with cheap adult cycnism.  Perhaps, Margery Williams thought up the nursery fairy concept on the spur of the moment.  With a little more foresight the nursery fairy could have been developed into a powerfully moving character.  Nevertheless, overall, The Velveteen Rabbit is a troubling thought-provoking childhood literary classic.

***The velveteen rabbit is very lucky.  The doctor ordered the immediate destruction of the rubbish, but the workmen decided to do it first thing in the morning.

🐇 🐇 🐇 🐇 🐇 🐇 🐇 🐇 🐇 🐇 🐇 🐇 🐇 🐇 🐇 🐇

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Deep South: A Social Anthropolical Study of Caste and Class: A Brief Summary

A group of social anthropologists directed by Allison Davis of the University of Chicago went to Old City and Old County Mississippi during the Great Depression to study the amount of racial prejudice existent in the Deep South of the United States. Old County and Old City were selected because the economy is based on the old cotton plantation system. Old City contains a population of roughly 50% black, 50% white, Old County contains a population of 80% black, 20% white. Apparently, two types of social order exists within the Deep South. A class system based on sociological factors, status or income, and a caste system based primarily on race.

"A caste may be defined as a endogamous and hereditary sub-division of a ethnic unit occupying a position of superior or inferior rank or social esteem in comparison with other sub-divisions."* This clearly does not denote a class system which contains upward or downward social mobility. A caste system allows for no such mobility because members of different castes cannot intermarry. Therefore, competition exists between castes for control of power. One caste will assume a superordinate role, another a subordinate role. In our present discussion the white race is disproportionately dominant and "all social institutions in the South including family, school, association, clique, church, and so on, are formed to fit the dominant caste social situation."**

In this paper the situation will be viewed as the social order existed during the study and as a afterthought speculate about what kind of conditions might be evident to change the social pattern.

The White Ideology: Keeping the Black Man in his Place.

It is a prominent belief along whites that blacks are a illiterate group, incapable of learning, child-like in their behavior, unmanageable people. This belief is demonstrated through caste sanctions and behavior. Blacks are expected to pay deference to whites. If a black and white person meet on the street, the black person is expected to give way. When addressing a white man, a black man must use the adjective "Sir," to denote respect, while a white man must never show respect to the black man. Violations of this caste sanction is considered "rebellion." After a series of minor infractions of the caste regulations, "whipping parties," or in some extreme cases "public hangings" are initiated to demonstrate to other would be offenders the "correctness" of the white cast ideology.

Endogamy and the Caste Sexual Taboos

Sexual taboos exist in the caste system to support the law of endogamous marriage but they vary depending upon the sex and color of the person involved. Due to the notion of white female purity, any acts of sexual intercourse between white females and black males violates the strongest sexual taboo and warrants a terrible punishment. If discovered, white females will either be publicly whipped, hanged, or "put on a train.". Sexual intercourse between white men and black women is permitted, if the relationship is conducted covertly. Most sexual encounters of this sort are for profit,  the black female is paid a wage. But in some cases white men actually have black mistresses and families they support for life.

The implications of sexual intermingled  castes is clear. If the white man could incorporate his children into the white caste group the caste distinction based upon race would disappear. But caste endogamy extends also to children. Children born miscegenation are always placed into the mothers caste group. The effects of this law are discussed more thoroughly in the section on black social class groups.

The White Social Class System

The white class system is rooted in ideological differences. The white upper-class group pay deference to "old wealth," or the amount of time money has existed in the family. Middle-class groups base their ideology in morals, middle-class people place a high value on wealth, and emphasize the "need to improve." Poor whites distinguish themselves on the basis of "consistency of a job," for a great many lower-class families are either unemployed or are working on work relief programs. Class differences are rooted in antagonisms. A sociological death and re-birth is needed to leave one social class and enter another. This involves severing old ties, abandoning old modes of behavior, and incorporating new ones.

The base of class, then, is to distinguish who does and who does not belong. A person trying to enter the middle-class may be excluded due to lack of demonstrated middle-class qualities. A person wishing to climb from middle-class to upper-class may be excluded for lack of "old wealth."

The Effect of Miscegenation on the Black Class System

The black caste base class antagonisms primarily upon three factors; income, occupation, and race. Because black elites have no clearly defined occupation or income guidelines, to identify with, blacks often turn to race as a qualification for higher status. The degree of a persons skin color as a value is the result of two basic problems. Blacks are discriminated against in the labor market, and for psychological reasons. "The effort of black upper and middle-class individuals to maintain or to increase their class status appears to be equated psychologically with a attempt to acquire the traits of the white caste. The distinguishing traits of the white caste are skin color and hair type, so it is to be expected that whiteness of skin and straightness of hair will have value as a class sanction in the black group."*** Black upper-class members designate commonness to lower-class blacks partly on the possession or lack of these white characteristics. Also, a notion exists in black groups that blacks with a more  pronounced negroid tint are regarded as unclean.  Black nurses with more pronounced white attributes were found to be washing their hands quite frequently and expressing disgust when handling darker black patients. A white doctor exclaimed, "Why they abhor those people worse than I do!"

The Changing Economy

Old County's economy depends on cotton. Cotton cultivation requires a long growing season, (210+ days) and a large group of skilled and unskilled workers.

When a tenant rents from a landlord in Old County he or she either pays a fixed cash or lint payment. This is largely dependent upon two factors,  The number of people in the tenants "squad," or the number of people in the tenants family, or whether a tenant has his or her own implements or farm stock. This is fundamentally important when viewed in context with uncontrollable changes in Old County's economy.  During 1934-35, a large boll weevil infestation destroyed a majority of the crop. That year the harvest was so low as to force a large number of tenants into the newly developed industrial firms in Old City. The entire economy suffered from deflated cotton prices as a result of the Great Depression.  The Federal  Government began the cotton reduction program.***** This caused a labor shortage. Landlords soon found themselves competing for labor. The tactics landlords used to keep labor on the farm and still maintain profit included economic or physical intimidation, or violence upon the tenants to keep them in a perpetual state of peonage.

Literate tenants cannot challenge the plantation system for several reasons. (1) Blacks are excluded from holding political office and in most cases are excluded from the polls. (2) Blacks are excluded from buying land. (3) Blacks cannot sue landlords for theft. (4) Black testimony is considered invalid in criminal cases. (5) The police ignore black civil or criminal complaints. Whites exclude black participation in the most fundamental and basic institutions in the United States. Therefore, all law, legislation, political platform, and judicial decisions favor the white caste.

Conclusion: Death of the Plantation System

The plantation system cannot endure.  Old County is no longer isolated from the world of technology and industrialization.  When the system of agriculture changes planting more acres of land by share croppers to tractors and fertilizer, a great number of farm workers will no longer be necessary.  Migration from Old County into Old Town will change demographics and culture as well.  The standard of living will improve.  This will prompt educational opportunities and stimulate class awareness. The result is certain, the entire cultural restructure of the Deep South.


*Please refer to page 3 for more details.
**Please refer to Chapter 1.
***Page 235
****The Federal Government placed a limit
on the number of acres a planter could grow in cotton to stabilize cotton prices. Those acres not grown in cotton were compensated for in subsidiary payments.

Monday, January 28, 2019

William S. Burroughs: Drug Dependency Versus Drug Addiction

William S. Burroughs in Junkie wrote the best definition of drug dependency versus drug addiction I have ever seen.  Burroughs points out that opium derivatives cause physical addiction.  Marijuana causes psychological dependency but no addiction because if you run out of the pot and cannot secure more the body does not go through physical opium-based withdrawal symptoms.*  William S. Burroughs also noted that even though cocaine increases dopamine levels in the brain, and despite the fact that pigeons will peck a lever for a dopamine reinforcement to the exclusion of all else until they drop dead, these facts have no relevance, if the stimulus is withdrawn and the behavior ceases without the physical distress associated with opium withdrawal syndromes.  Thus by strict definition behavior associated with cocaine use is driven by dependency, not addiction.

I have had discussions with potheads who insist they are addicted to marijuana.  But potheads function in a fog of altered perceptual awareness.  True some potheads will spend days running around town looking for an elusive lid, waiting around in cars for hours, while friends look for contacts.  Most times they come up empty-handed.  But this behavior to secure more dope is not driven by physical distress that requires "the cure" at Lexington's Narcotic Farm.

Marijuana as a gateway drug has never been established.**  However, marijuana dependency has some adverse consequences.  I knew a woman who would steal items from her family members and run off to a pawn shop.  While stoned, she would craft a masterful plan to steal without being caught.  This woman had a very reduced mental capacity, an intelligence quotient of 70, but when she was stoned she thought she was an exalted princess of a higher dimension.  Of course, when challenged, she resorted to habitual lies and denials a narcissistic psychopath would envy.  Her denials were so transparent a three-year-old child could have seen through them, and when confronted with absolute facts as to her culpability, she would explode into childish temper tantrums intended to intimidate you into backing down.  The old biker gang momma bitch act.  I always thought she was nothing more than a second rate con-artist.  If she had been a little smarter, she would have run a Ponzi scheme like Bernard Madoff, living like a queen in a mansion, with high priced cars, a yacht, dining at the finest restaurants, swindling other people like a bloated parasite until she was arrested.  Later on, she would act all innocent and friendly like nothing happened.  Anti-social personalities have a lack of impulse control, they take things without permission based upon immediate need, rush off to the pawnshop, pocket the money, then congratulate themselves on a job well done.  Anti-social personalities have no morality, no conscious, they are indifferent to the damage they do to other people.  People exist to be used as pawns.  Why does she do these things?  She needs to get stoned!  Marijuana dependency mixed with anti-social traits is as damaging as a heroin addict committing burglary to support a habit.


*Police officers, prosecutors, and judges all make the same mistake when classifying marijuana as a "narcotic".  Opium based derivatives such as heroin are narcotics.  Marijuana is a hallucinogen, not a narcotic.  Hunter S. Thompson in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, correctly points out that a "roach is not called a roach because it resembles a cockroach".  This idiotic idea was presented to a gullible law enforcement audience by some quack "drug expert" psychiatrist during a "police anti-drug convention".  In the same vein a prosecuting attorney who calls marijuana a "addicting narcotic" is doing nothing more than demonstrating his or her ignorance of the facts at hand.  Unfortunately, some judges have been brainwashed into believing that marijuana is a "dangerous drug" with no "medicinal value," and that use of marijuana constitutes a "clear and present danger" to society.  An argument straight out of 1965.  Of course, the cannabis prohibition law was formulated by ignorant legislators who were probably indoctrinated by the clergy, or by anti-drug propaganda films written by Nancy Reagan and shown in high schools, or by watching cheap camp movies like Reefer Madness.  Marinol (dronabinol) is a synthetic form of delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive component of cannabis.  THC fits into cannabinoid receptor sites in the brain.  Marinol is prescribed to patients as an appetite stimulant, antiemetic, and sleep apnea reliever.  Marijuana has medical efficacy for cancer and AIDS patients.

**Whoever invented the notion that marijuana is a dangerous gateway "narcotic" needs to have his or her brains tested.  52% of Americans over 18 have smoked marijuana at some point in their lives.  According to the pot gateway theory logic, there should be 171.6 million deranged "addicted dope fiends" running amok terrorizing suburban neighborhoods.  Science calls the weak "correlation" between pot smokers and heroin users a spurious relationship.  The appearance of a comet did not cause a plague, even if a plague occurred shortly after the appearance of the comet.  People who blamed the comet for the plague reached a spurious conclusion based on superstition, not on scientific facts.  Much like the advocates of the theory cannabis is a "gateway" to more destructive drug abuse.

I am not an advocate of cannabis recreational use.  Actually, I think potheads are some of the stupidest people I have ever met.